2019 Release Notes
BUILD 174 | Released January 2019
Fixed the alignment of the Language down-down list
Fixed an issue causing an empty tag image to appear in Callouts without Images.
Fixed an issue causing footer colors to display incorrectly.
Added a Site Label for Index Page Category to Filter Vocabularies.
Empty space occupied by embedded Google Maps when Map information isn’t configured.
Modified the Header on Search templates.
Fixed an issue where attached files were not appearing for news articles.
BUILD 176 | Released January 2019
New option to display a title on individual elements (callouts, sliders, custom blocks)
Foundation improvement - Google Embedded Maps
An extra check for SOLR Alter when NID has not been added to SOLR
BUILD 177 | Released January 2019
- Fixed an issue causing the title text to appear below a custom block.
- Fixed an issue preventing Google Maps using the Google Maps API from showing on multiple locations.
BUILD 178 | Released January 2019
- Resolved an issue with colors settings not being saved when using the Style Editor.
BUILD 179 | Released January 2019
- Each site that is part of multi-domain can select their own default branch
- 'Barcode' and 'Pin' fields replaced with 'Username' and 'Password' on the mobile login page.
- Resolved an issue causing preventing Polaris external search from working.
BUILD 180 | Released January 2019
- Modified the Room Booking color for better visibility.
- Failing to log in the stacks mobile login page redirects users to the same page with an error message.
BUILD 181 | Released February 2019
- Create a custom URL for landing pages.
- New Bento for Dun & Bradstreet.
- Email notification can be sent when Room Bookings are approved.
- Resolved an issue preventing Style Editor from changing color of nav background in the Storm theme.
BUILD 182 | Released February 2019
- Close Dates added to the Location Bar
- Fixed a timezone issue that caused old events to show in Upcoming Events.
BUILD 183 | Released February 2019
- Fixed an issue causing text to overlap in the anchor and link modal.
BUILD 184 | Released February 2019
- Resolved an issue that could prevent users from removing items from their Saved List.
- The publication date field is no longer set to a default value.
BUILD 185 | Released February 2019
- Added a flag to identify the ROOT domain in a Multi-Domain Environment.
- The closed dates in Room Bookings can now be edited.
- Resolved an issue that prevented files from being displayed in an Index Entry.
BUILD 186 | Released February 2019
- Resolved a Research Guide navigation issue
BUILD 187 | Released February 2019
- Comments can now be turned on for News Articles
- Resolved an issue that prevented the Background color from being linked in the Storm theme.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the signup form from being published on a scheduled day.
BUILD 188 | Released March 2019
- Fixed Collection Imports to link correctly link to specified files.
BUILD 189 | Released March 2019
Details not available.
BUILD 190 | Released March 2019
- Added an Image viewer that will open a larger version of a selected image
- Fixed the EDS API Search so it no longer fails when quotes are used in a search.
- Fixed an issue that prevented authenticated users from receiving signup email confirmations.
BUILD 191 | Released March 2019
- Pagination for Individual Bentos
BUILD 192 | Released March 2019
- Theme settings now use Google Font API for a full list of available fonts to select from.
BUILD 193 | Released March 2019
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from editing dates in Room Bookings
- Fixed an issue that prevented callouts 'read more' link from working
BUILD 194 | Released March 2019
- Resolved an issue that caused location, time format and capital letters to change when using Google Translate.
- Resolved an issue with the Bishop theme that caused the background of body and html elements to change when the footer color was adjusted.
- Fixed a field label formatting issue when collection importer is used and no labels are set.
BUILD 195 | Released March 2019
- Fixed an issue that caused Authors names to truncate in some search results.
- Resolved an issue that caused disabled locations to show up in a patron's default location list.
BUILD 196 | Released April 2019
- Split Room / Joined Room Bookings can now be made.
BUILD 197 | Released April 2019
- Option added to change the style of Bento Box Buttons into links.
- Set how many items to appear on each page of Paginated Bento Results.
- Users have the ability to display Bento Box thumbnail images on the left or right or choose to hide.
BUILD 198 | Released April 2019
- Resolved an issue that could prevent user's personalization settings from loading on an initial Bento Search.
BUILD 199 | Released April 2019
- Role-Based Content Protection added to the RSS Feeds.
- Additional fields added to Euromonitor API and Ed2Go Bento Boxes (Duration, Time and Start Date).
- Fixed an issue that prevented registration information being included in the content of a confirmation email received by the administrator
- Addition of EDS Citations
- Fixed wrong dates that may have shown for Sierra Holds
- Improved loading time for the Location Bar Hours.
- Resolved an issue that caused Event signup configuration to save on all domains in a multidomain environment.
- Ability to hide Authors in the EDS List view.
- Resolved an issue that could cause the full-text links of a search result to be inconsistent between the list view and detailed record.
BUILD 205 | Released June 2019
- Admins can now create Joined Room Bookings
BUILD 206 | Released June 2019
- Stacks can now be configured to allow for multiple Sharepoint Profiles.
- Resolved an issue that allowed users with the LiteAdmin role to see the collections tile.
- Resolved an issue that may change the preferred branch location for holds & pickups.
BUILD 207 | Released June 2019
- Fixed an issue that could cause signup settings to change to the default settings.
BUILD 208 | Released July 2019
Details not available.
BUILD 209 | Released July 2019
- The Google Analytics ID is no longer a required field.
BUILD 210 | Released July 2019
- Added Setting to hide "Did you mean" feature.
- Fourth Featured tab for EDS added.
- Self-registration for Stacks allowed for specified email domains.
- Resolved an issue that prevented some callouts or collections from appearing in search results.
BUILD 211 | Released July 2019
- Admins can now choose to hide the 'My Library' block on patron's 'My Account Page'
- Adjusted the alignment of Research Guide blocks to prevent the incorrect placement of content.
BUILD 212 | Released July 2019
- Fixed the Alberta Theme to allow the use of an uploaded image.
BUILD 213 | Released August 2019
- CiNii Dashboard settings now allow admin to enable all fields to configure Bento.
- Events no longer allow anonymous patron signup
BUILD 214 | Released August 2019
- Fixed an issue with the Whyte theme that could cause navigation buttons to be improperly positioned on pages without a Logo.
- Fixed an issue with the Utopia theme that could prevent a background image from being displayed correctly.
BUILD 215 | Released August 2019
Research Guide blocks were not displaying in a multi-column format
Utopia Theme background image wasn't displaying correctly
Whyte Theme without a branding logo forcing main navigation above the top header
- Some event registration and reminder emails were being sent out with an incorrect Date & Time.
- Administrators were not able to create patron accounts with Self-registration enabled.
- You can enable/disable the 'read more' button for callouts in Site Configuration.
BUILD 217 | Released September 2019
- Soutron external catalog search
- Import additional items from a .csv file to an existing collection
- Pagination on Collections pages
- Main navigation sub-menu was not being displayed correctly over side filters.
- Fixed an issue where signup email templates saved in the site configuration form were not appearing in the new event tile and were not being sent.
- Resolved an issue where RSS Feeds stalled or stopped running as a result of items missing from the RSS feed import.
- The endpoint URL for CiNii is now configurable from the Catalogs Tile in Search Configuration.
- Clicking on the 'Read Full Text' link from search results will now prompt anonymous users to authenticate instead of redirecting them to the details page.
BUILD 222 & BUILD 223 | September 2019
- Added Setting in SharePoint configuration to 'Return only Document Sets'
- New Bento Box that only returns results containing comments (Pages, News and All)
- A New Pages search API index that will only index pages content types
- A new checkbox in Bento Creation called 'Only returns results with comments'
- Added fields required for Research Guides to be indexed in the SOLR search.
- Resolved an issue preventing the Ordering of Research Guides
- Removed 'Track Internal Search option' for Google Analytics. This was a legacy feature that longer works.
- Fixed an issue where the Read Online and Connect buttons were both appearing.
- All day events weren't being displayed on the first day of the month in Events calendar Month View
- Fixed an issue where the Citation button was unresponsive
- Resolved an issue causing Polaris catalog links from bento results to not displaying the proper external URL.
- Resolved an issue that caused the Read Online button would not work on collection items.
BUILD 226 | Released October 2019
Bento Box Support for the Uptodate.com catalog
New Option to link ‘see more’ and results directly to a Sharepoint Site instead of displaying in Stacks
Resolved an issue that caused Custom Blocks to be listed as Search Widgets in the Layout builder’s content selector.
BUILD 227 | Released October 2019
- Polaris Holdings information now appear in Bento Search Box
- Polaris results Detail page can now be displayed in Stacks.
- UpToDate Catalog configuration now prefilled with URL.
- Fixed a compatibility issue that prevented CiNii Bento searches to display correctly in Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed an issue causing the Pyramid Theme to display incorrectly in Internet Explorer.
BUILD 228 | Released October 2019
- Starmind Integration
- Holdings information can now be seen on Sierra Bento Search results
BUILD 229 | Released October 2019
BUILD 230 | Released October 29, 2019
Removed the default image that appeared when an Event is created without adding an image.
Removed the ability to add additional menus
Fixed a limitation that prevented theme settings from being saved in some multi-domain environments.
Resolved an issue that created duplicate links for Calendar & Databases in Stacks Mobile.
BUILD 231 | Released November 5, 2019
- PubMed Integration.
- Add links to the Stacks Mobile Menu.
- Generic SAML Configuration.
BUILD 232 | Released November 7, 2019
- Save Searches for Bento
- Improvements to Stacks Mobile events Page (see below)
- Filters are collapsible.
- Removal of the View Calendar and Read More buttons.
BUILD 233 | Released November 14, 2019
Show a Password Reset link on the Patron login form when site-wide password protect is enabled.
PubFinder Integration now shows multiple links to PubMed Content in search results
Fixed an issue that caused some menu items to not open an external page as expected.
BUILD 234 | Released November 19, 2019
- Perpetua Integration
- Topics Block
- Resolved an issue that prevented book jackets from appearing in Sierra Bento results.
BUILD 235 | Released November 21, 2019
- Topics module now includes row weights for adjusting sort order.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Top menu to display incorrectly when the browser was resized.
BUILD 236 | Released November 26, 2019
- Relocated the Self-Registration settings to the Authentication tile.
- A Message will now appear after patrons self-register when site-wide password protection is on.
- Addition of row weights to Topics module to sort groups.
- Resolved an issue that prevented the author from appearing in CiNii Bento Search Results.
- Updated the Registration button on the login page for mobile app to redirect users to a mobile friendly version of the registration page.
BUILD 237 | Released November 28, 2019
- Show/Hide Title option for Index Pages.
- Truncated the Description field for UpToDate results for better viewing
- Resolved an issue that caused Stacks to ignore the Hide/Show title setting for custom blocks.
BUILD 238 | Released December 3, 2019
- Restrict metadata on EDS Results
- McMaster API Search Integration.
- Resolved an issue that caused default language content to appear on translated blocks when the language on a landing page was changed.
- When saving modifications to theme settings in the dashboard, admins will no longer be redirected to a different page.
EDS Detail view settings have moved to The Site Configuration tile.
New print functionality in the detailed view
Fixed an issue that caused an EDS search error when no query is inputted.
BUILD 240 | Released December 10, 2019
Download content from Perpetua
New Print functionality for Topics