Saved Searches

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Saved Searches give patrons the ability to perform an EDS Search and Save the results for viewing at a later time. 

Save A Search
  1. Log in with a Patron Account
  2. Perform a search using EBSCO Discovery Services
  3. In the results that appear, click the Save This Search button

  4. The text of the button will change to Remove From Saved Search indicating that the Results have been saved.

View Saved Searches
  1. While logged in as a Patron, navigate to the 'My Account Page'  
  2. Under the My Library Section click the Your Saved Searches button
  3. Any item that has been added to the Saved List will appear.
  4. Click the URL of the saved search to see the results from the Search.
Remove Saved Searches
  1. While logged in as a Patron, navigate to the 'My Account Page'  
  2. Under the My Library Section click the Your Saved Searches button
  3. Any item that has been added to the Saved List will appear.
  4. Click the Delete from Saved Search List button on the Search you want to delete.